Quote from the Debate

“But I can’t take what is an article of faith for me and legislate it or someone who doesn’t share that article of faith, whether they be agnostic, atheist, Jew, Protestant, whatever. I can’t do that.” Not much mystery as…

Where Do You Stand?

World’s Smallest Political Quiz Posted because shadowkatt wanted to see it, so I figured others might, too. EDIT: I meant to mention that the questions are, in my opinion, rather slanted. I’d like to see a more balanced version of…

Buzzword of the Day: Affluenza

Affluenza: The affliction of being too focused on buying material things, working too much (and still not having enough money) and stressing out about all of it. From http://www.buzzwhack.com As in “My family of origin suffers from affluenza.”

Ritual Resource

I was searching for a version of Sweet Honey in the Rock’s recording of “On Children” for a friend, and came across this site: Ritualwell.org—Ceremonies for Jewish Living I find it very interesting, despite not being Jewish. There is far…

Aisle Be Damned

By Gene Weingarten I think we can all agree with our president that gay marriage is a grave threat to America, because if it weren’t, our president would not have this issue to flog and might lose the election, and…

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