Oh, dear Gods. I have one of the worst migraines of my life. I am not in bed because 1) I’m the Mommy, and 2) the house must be prepared for the gathering here tonight. The power blinked. For the…
The Geek Who Understands You
Oh, dear Gods. I have one of the worst migraines of my life. I am not in bed because 1) I’m the Mommy, and 2) the house must be prepared for the gathering here tonight. The power blinked. For the…
http://www.activedayton.com/ddn/local/daily/1213hogtied.html Thank you, bearblue—best news I’ve read today 🙂
Damn Fox! Damn them damn them damn them! They canceled Firefly. There is, however, a move afoot to get it picked up by another network. http://www.fireflysupport.com/ Current Mood: 😡angry
Another SelectSmart quiz. I’m remembering why I stopped going to their site at all, though—too many pop-up ads. Very annoying. NeoPagan Path Selector #1 Shaman #2 Wiccan #3 Druid #4 Thelema #5 Egyptian #6 Orisha #7 Asatru #8 Greek I’m…
I’m trying to distract myself from my migraine, hoping the meds will kick in sometime soon. Hoping really, really hard. Current Mood: 🤒sick
So—which of the full set of pictures did YOU like the best? Current Mood: 😕curious
Wow—something I’ve never had to consider before. If someone has a nanny and specifically tells you “Our nanny is (name)” when you’re trying to get names for addressing holiday cards, do you put her name on there too? I mean,…
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