Happy Birthday deza!
The Geek Who Understands You
Happy Birthday deza!
U.S. Combat Pilots on Speed is scary. I know perfectly well that stimulants have long been used in the military, but why the hell are they still using amphetamines when modafinil is available? Yes, it’s damned expensive—but it can’t be…
Body Image Woes Add Up Worrying About How You Look Hurts Concentration
We got to meet alice_bunnie and the twins! I’m so tickled! She braved the Wilds of the Big Rock to come watch Firefly with us and we got baby fixes. Of course, Firefly was wonderful and we’ve taped it to…
Current Mood: 🙂amused
goddessinga is home and sleeping in her own bed. greyknight is being a stubborn cuss as usual and has not rested. I don’t know how long it will be before the Goddess will get back online and see all of…
There’s a stray cat that has been hanging around our house a lot. I just looked out and saw him on the top deck, which is, what, at least 30 feet up? He must be a pretty good climber!
Correction after talking to sambear—if you want to come here tonight to watch Firefly, you’re welcome to do so. The show starts at 8, so it’s probably best to arrive before then (7 or 7:30?). We won’t be doing a…
Blech. No Firefly viewing here tonight, folks. realpochacco is sicker instead of feeling better. G is still sick. We can’t imagine that any of you want this bug. 🙁 shadowkatt and I are feeling better—thank you for your sweet get-well…
Interesting article: Weblog Ethics Apparently, it’s from the author’s book, The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog. As interesting as this article is, I wouldn’t have paid money to read it. And I have to wonder—why…
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