Poly Introverts?

ARRRRGHHH! I wrote this long thing about being a poly introvert using the LJ web interface. And the browser decided it couldn’t find the server (a common error every evening, as I’m learning), and then it was just—gone. Gone gone…

Thinking about music . . .

Okay, more specifically, making music. As in, why I’m not doing it more often. I don’t mean stuff like the Girl Scout meeting. And singing along with the stereo does not, in fact, count, nor does singing in the shower…

The Songs

I really appreciate the suggestions 🙂 I ended up with mostly patriotic songs, as everybody had at least heard most of those before. I threw in some classic Girl Scout songs but the girls hated those—except the gross camp songs.…

Mother’s Day

_starrgirl_, rasilio, rloveking, voltbang and their littluns came over for dinner. I am now fully convinced that I am far too old to have another baby. I had suspected as much, but gosh—toddlers and infants take even more energy than…


Well, aren’t I a lemming? I finally started my own LiveJournal. I hadn’t really paid much attention to them until the last week, and then I found reading them all too addictive. Current Mood: 🤔contemplativeCurrent Music: Over the Limit by…

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