Thank You

Looking at the comments on this entry gives me an extreme case of the warm fuzzies. And, in fact, these were pretty darned sweet, too! I’m adding those to my memories, and when I’m feeling down and ugly and unwanted,…

Tell Me…

This could be sheer foolishness, but…I’m going to follow autographedcat‘s lead on this one: In comments, list five things that you would tell someone who didn’t know me if they asked you about me…

Dinner Invitation

Are you coming to a casual dinner at our house next Friday night? Would you like to come, but you haven’t been invited yet because we oopsied? Please post and let me know, with an email address if it isn’t…

Who Are You?

I’ve been added to the friends lists of several people recently who are, I am sure, absolutely marvelous individuals. Unfortunately, I don’t know them at all, and am wondering “Have I met her elsewhere and just don’t remember? Have I…

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