I’m missing my Daddy something fierce. I came across this photo of him and Mom from 2009 a couple of days ago. They both look so happy! This one of him and one of the grands is from 2014. You…
The Geek Who Understands You
I’m missing my Daddy something fierce. I came across this photo of him and Mom from 2009 a couple of days ago. They both look so happy! This one of him and one of the grands is from 2014. You…
I referred to Bishop Budde yesterday, but I failed to explain what she did that deserved our thanks. Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde confronts Trump in sermon During a prayer service at Washington’s National Cathedral Tuesday, the Episcopal bishop of Washington…
Look, there’s a name for what I’m experiencing! Feeling political distress? Here are coping strategies a psychologist shares with his clients Our planet sings? Who knew?! Earth Sings with Mysterious Chorus Waves—and Deep Space Does, Too (You can use 12ft…
The migraine is gone, happily. The pain isn’t. But I’m up and at ’em, ready for work to start before long. I don’t want to lose this little video: Five stitches you need to know if you’re a beginner crocheter…
I’m having a migraine and a worse-than-usual pain day in other respects. It’s making me grumpy. Also, it doesn’t seem to be possible to post to my regular Facebook feed from here. I can post to a Facebook page, so…
I think I’m going to be sick. This link definitely requires content warnings for violence against women and sexual assault. It’s a very good essay, though, and well worth a read. What Would A Woman Do To An Unconscious Man…
The following is from a college professor, Dr. Mike Hoerger. He emails it to all of his students and has posted it on X. How are the top science programs handling high COVID-19 transmission, inclusivity, equity, and diversity in January…
A very long time ago, I ran a self-insured health insurance fund for a non-profit organization. I processed claims, then turned around and filed them with our stop-loss insurer. Much of my job involved making sure the stop-loss insurer paid…
Now that the whole crossposting thing is working, I plan to continue reducing my presence on Facebook. I often post things there in order to remember them, but then I can’t find them later when I want them. So it…
I am beginning to be cross with this system. Edited to add: that finally worked! Perhaps it needed to be frightened into submission.
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