Half-full, Half-empty?

Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt: “Is the glass half-full or half-empty?” It’s half-full, and things are getting better all the time. Last night as I was sleeping I dreamt—marvelous error!— that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden…

An Old Friend

Plinky asked, "Which of your friends have you know for the longest amount of time?" I'm just going to count people I'm regularly in touch with offline who are not close kin, or things would be very complex, as there…

My Top 5 Strengths

Plinky said, "List your top five strengths." 1) When I give my word or my heart, I don't change my mind. I'm loyal to a fault. 2) I can learn just about anything I care to learn. Intelligence is useful.…


This month’s NaBloPoMo theme is “Jump.” All the prompts have been centered around that theme, but I haven’t yet used them. I’m going to play catch-up here. What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear…


I’m so tired of all the depressing stories in my Facebook news feed. Every day there’s more news about all the ground lost in women’s rights (especially reproductive rights) in this country, or something like the terrible results of the…

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