Cooler Now

Oh, thank goodness. Daddy fixed the A/C! I’m glad to know it wasn’t just me not tolerating the heat well despite A/C (I’m getting to that age now). Thank you, Daddy! Looking forward to a good night’s sleep tonight!


It is just too bloody hot. I couldn’t sleep last night and it’s too danged hot to sleep again tonight. I do not enjoy summer weather.

Sky Diving??

Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt: How do you feel about sky diving? I feel that it is a pursuit best left to adrenaline junkies, and people who have to do it for their careers. I’m glad parachutes exist, but I sincerely hope…

Bunjee Jumping?

Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt: Would you ever go bungee jumping? No way! For one thing, I am definitely NOT an adrenaline junky. For another, I cannot imagine that the JERK when one reaches the end of the cord and gets pulled…

Happy (Belated) Solstice!

Today I celebrated the Solstice with the ADF Grove of the Red Earth, the first of their rituals I’ve been able to attend. It was a lovely thing, with a delicious feast afterwards. Thanks for the invitation and hospitality, folks!

Scary Movies?

Another NaBloPoMo prompt: Do you like scary movies that make you jump? I’m not old enough to watch scary movies! I find them far too frightening, indeed, nightmare-inducing. Sam required that I watch The Crow with him when we’d just…

On Driving

Plinky asked, "Would you say that you enjoy driving?" Not really. I've never been one of those people who gets in the car just to go for a drive. I use vehicles solely as tools in order to get from…

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