HTML Help?

Can any of you alpha geeks take a look at the code on and help me figure out why the main text table is showing up off-center? It was just dandy ’til the last couple of days, but I…

TV Geekiness

My sweet curiousmay9 is much more of a TV watcher than we were before, and she’s a bad influence! She bought a ReplayTV, and sambear got it working last week. We need to get a wireless USB adapter for it,…

For SamBear

Saucy! This is not a website for picky eaters. If you’re cutting carbs, eating at McDonald’s, or buying margarine, this may not be the site for you. But if you love all kinds of food like we do, Saucy is…

Poetry: Vex Me

Vex Me –Barbara Hamby From Babel Vex me, O Night, your stars stuttering like a stuck jukebox, put a spell on me, my bones atremble at your tabernacle of rhythm and blues. Call out your archers, chain me to a…

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