Say goodbye to Kansas, Dorothy

From LiveJournal’s “Writer’s Block” prompt: If you woke up surrounded by doctors who told you that you’d been in a medical experiment since birth and that your entire life had been a dream, how do you think you’d react? I’d…

Put it all together, it spells Mother

From LiveJournal’s “Writer’s Block” prompt: What’s the most important lesson your mom taught you? You can’t believe the words, only the actions. No, I don’t ever recall her saying it. It’s something I had to learn the hard way. Current…

My tweets

Tue, 13:38: Google and Facebook may be handing your data to the Feds without your knowledge! Tell them to stop: via @demandprogress Wed, 00:28: Find out how your House rep voted on Planned Parenthood funding: #StandWithPP

My tweets

Fri, 15:12: OUTRAGE: House votes to bar Planned Parenthood from federal funding. Speak out. #StandWithPP Fri, 23:34: I liked a YouTube video — Reenactment (with cats): Princess Bride Fri, 23:35: I liked a YouTube video — MysteryEngineerMan: Grumpy…

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