Thoughts about what I want in a theme

It’s been way too long since I started, but didn’t actually finish, the process of moving all the old articles on this site over into WordPress. I got bogged down and didn’t really finish, so the site stayed half-done and sucky. Now I don’t know if I should even bother finishing. Part of the trouble is that those articles are SO old that when I start moving them, I get bogged down in updating them and I end up rewriting them, and it’s hard to finish even one section!

Another is that I hate messing with anything because I’m really not satisfied with my theme. Every time I do anything with the site I start poking at the theme, then I start looking at new themes, but I never really find anything I like because what I really want is a theme that’s all mine. But I haven’t found anything on the sites that sell custom theme packages that I like enough to pay for – they all seem to look fairly blech to me.
Palette by jakerome
But I don’t honestly know what I DO want well enough to describe it to a designer, and I certainly don’t know enough to create whatever that is myself from scratch. Goodness knows I wouldn’t want to try to work with someone who is as unsure as I am about it – what a nightmare!

“Well, I don’t like what’s there, but I don’t like any of the stuff I’ve seen, either. I know I don’t want a magazine layout. Or a photo gallery layout. Or any of those layouts that stick all that stuff at the bottom. No, nothing that relies too heavily on drop-down menus, either. Well, I really like the ones with flexible widths, but I know they’re a real bitch to design. And I prefer having the option to have widgets on both sides, but I don’t know if I want to be forced to have them on both sides, you know? And I want to be able to have comments on pages and posts. And I need to be able to understand the CSS enough to make it work with plugins like Now Reading. I mean, the reboot of Now Reading. And whatever quotation plugin I end up choosing. Would it be possible to make it work with Gallery?

“I’d like to have a distinctive header on top, then use the colors from it throughout the site. I like using lots of color, but nothing tacky or gaudy. Rainbow colors are good, but I don’t want it to look like I ripped off a gay pride parade banner. And no pastels. Ugh. I love purple! Not lavender, purple. No violet. That’s Fuschia. Yes, I do know that colors look different on different screens.

“Readability is extremely important because I’m a textual person at heart. I hate sites that aren’t nice and legible, so I wouldn’t want mine that way. I write, and I want people to be able to read the words easily. Including people who use screen readers. The site has to be accessible (let’s say WCAG 1.0 compatible, at the very very least?)

“It’s a mom blog. Sort of. I mean, I don’t review kids products or any of that crap. No diapers or dinners or purses or any of that. Not even playdates. Those are long gone. But I do talk about parenting and homemaking and home education. But I also talk about relationships and polyamory – well, maybe it isn’t a mom blog any more. Mom is just in the name. It’s a long story. I put reviews and personal posts and talk about blogging and gadgets things like that in here. The occasional rant. And stuff about stitching. I don’t know what will be in here in the future. It has changed over time. We’ll see. Does it matter?”

Oh yeah. That’s helpful. I don’t want to work with me. Would you?

(I posted the picture just because it’s pretty.)

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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2 thoughts on “Thoughts about what I want in a theme

  1. I would certainly love to work with you, because you’re you 🙂 Of course, that doesn’t help you get a theme you like – you know more about creating a theme than I do.


  2. You’re always such a doll! I’m sure you could master themes in no time, just like everything else you do, if you ever chose to do them. But I’m not asking you too – I just know that you COULD! 🙂

    Thanks angel,

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