My Favorite Comedian

Plinky asked, “Who’s your favorite comedian? Is there anyone you can’t stand?” George Carlin is the King of Comedians as far as I’m concerned. He’s always hilarious. I love watching old clips and reading his books. His death was a…

My Favorite Comedian

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. You can comment here or there. Plinky asked, “Who’s your favorite come­dian? Is there any­one you can’t stand?” George Car­lin is the King of Come­di­ans as far as I’m con­cerned. He’s always hilar­i­ous. I love…

Wake Up Cat

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. Dedicated to The Girl Kioshi is not allowed in the room when I’m trying to sleep, because he either keeps me awake, or lets me get just into sleep,…

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