I’ve been reading articles at Families of the Talented & Gifted this morning. I could write a LOT about the thoughts sparked by this material. I’ll try not to flood you 🙂 These two definitions, though: def: Socialization (n.) —…
The Geek Who Understands You
I’ve been reading articles at Families of the Talented & Gifted this morning. I could write a LOT about the thoughts sparked by this material. I’ll try not to flood you 🙂 These two definitions, though: def: Socialization (n.) —…
Confession: Homeschooling is a great excuse for buying cool stuff I wish I’d gotten to play—um, learn—with as a kid. But as our kids outgrow some things, I guess I’ll have to just push them on other people for their…
He forced shoes on me Current Mood: 😄hyperCurrent Music: Sam trying to hang up the pantry door rack
You know I’m way behind when I haven’t gotten around to bragging on my girl yet. I got shadowkatt‘s writing evaluation results back yesterday. The tester actually gave the test to two other staffers (one being the center manager), because…
Okay—I knew shadowkatt was pretty darned smart and thought she was doing quite well academically, but we got independent verification today. Her California Achievement Test scores placed her in the 9th month of 12th grade in language arts – that’s…
We survived mediation. The Guardian ad Litem suggested that we come to a temporary agreement allowing the children to visit their mother in California for the summer, and we worked out the details with help of the mediator. I do…
Following up on this post, I saw a Marilyn Vos Savant article a few years back about, “What to Teach Your Kids Before They Leave Home.” Current Mood: 😕curiousCurrent Music: “My Father” – Four Bitchin’ Babes
I followed the link from dslartoo‘s interesting post today to Are We Grown Up Yet? Study Says Not ‘Till 26. I’m not really surprised by the survey results. I knew that my views on adulthood—both who qualifies, and when people…
I love our kids. I love them even when they’re being jerks, of course, but I really appreciate them on days like today when they’re being so sweet. One of the things I love about them most, though, is their…
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