Taken from noelfigart:
A – Age: 36
B – Birthday: November 12
C – Children: 1 bio (shadowkatt, 2 step (real_pochacco and littlefirefae)
D – Diet: Hmmm—thinking about going back on WW
E – Exercise: Well, I toured the Y today? And as soon as I get a membership I’ll go back to water exercise.
F – Favourite food: sambear‘s biscuits
G – Garden: Are you kidding? Green side goes up, right?
H – Home: Atlanta. Well, I’m originally from Gadsden, Alabama but Atlanta is home.
I – Illnesses: This justifies the cut tag all by itself. Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthropathy, possible seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Raynaud’s Phenomena. Complex post-traumatic stress disorder leading to long-term problems with depression and anxiety. Oh, I forgot the PCOS and allergies.
J – Job: At the moment I’m a student and mother. In the past:
Ages 25 to 36: I’ve done software QA, technical writing, tech support, network administration, office management, telemarketing (oh, excuse me: “appointment setting”), accounting, consulting, and data mining.
Ages 19-25: I was a Sprint long-distance operator doing credit card authorizations when call volumes were down, and then I managed the self-insured health insurance fund for a fundamentalist Christian denomination’s foreign missions board for five years.
Ages 12-18: I was a secretary and a bank teller/CSR. I worked in a crafts store as a clerk and teacher. I did retail work at Davison’s (now Macy’s), was a dispatcher for the gas company, worked in the service office of an HVAC company, was a mother’s helper, and did very brief stints during high school at Baskin Robbins and Hardee’s.
K – Keen on: Dark chocolate. Smart, cuddly, low-drama people.
L – Location: Atlanta, GA, US
M – Married: Nope. BTDT three times.
N – Name: Cynthia Lynn Armistead
O – Optimist or pessimist: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
P – Pets: Shelley does not believe herself to be a pet. She has staff.
Q – Quote: Goodness is love in action, love with its hand to the plow.—James Hamilton
R – Relationship: I figure this means romantic? Life-partnered with sambear
S – School: I’m in college now.
T – Talents: Um, okay. I sing passably well. I write.
U – Unfulfilled ambition: To get a degree. I’m working on it.
V – Vacation in 2003: None planned. Since I don’t work at a normal job, there are times when I feel like I’m always on vacation.
W – Wish: Good health.
X – X-rays: What am I supposed to say? Um, the last thing I remember having x-rayed was my lower back. No, that was an MRI. I don’t know.
Y – Years online: 13
Z – Zodiac sign: Scorpio