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I love our kids. I love them even when they’re being jerks, of course, but I really appreciate them on days like today when they’re being so sweet.

One of the things I love about them most, though, is their very uniqueness. Two of our kids are unabashedly geeky. The third is sorta goth, and very artistic. They all love RPGs. real_pochacco is an NPR junkie. shadowkatt‘s favorite time to listen to 99X is during the Retroplex (80s stuff). real_pochacco had to come get a reality check during the broadcast today—he was absolutely sure that he couldn’t be hearing the words “take the skinheads bowling.” (He was, of course.) littlefirefae somehow manages to be a little goth chick even while wearing periwinkle.

We watched Wag the Dog with all three kids the other night. We’d requested it from NetFlix a while back, but it seemed to be very popular lately—probably for the same reason we wanted to see it. real_pochacco didn’t want to see it. Part of his individuation lately is that he doesn’t want to read or see or listen to anything we’ve recommended. But he did appreciate it, and we had a good discussion about how public opinion can be manipulated.

We’d watched a 70ish British production of The Tempest with the girls the night before (the boy wasn’t interested). I cannot recommend that particular versiona7mdash;it was rather annoying. But they were enthralled by the story itself, which was the point. I had to do a little translating for littlefirefae so that she understood any of it, as she has a lot of trouble with British accents for some reason (and with Shakespearean dialogue).

littlefirefae‘s friend here in the neighborhood spent last night with us (today is a no-school day). Our normal conversations—about politics, religion, art, books, etc.—seem to leave her completely without a frame of reference. She ends up looking totally lost, and we’ve learned not to ask her any direct questions or try to involve her in them too much because she gets a slightly frantic look as if she’s being tested in some way.

This is what I wanted when I was a child. I’m proud of our family and home.

Current Mood: 🙂happy
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted needleworker.
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