Ack. Katie’s got the horrible crud! I suspected she was getting it a couple of days ago, but, “Oh no, I feel fine! I’m just fine!” and she kept on insisting that despite using more and more tissues. And this…
The Geek Who Understands You
Ack. Katie’s got the horrible crud! I suspected she was getting it a couple of days ago, but, “Oh no, I feel fine! I’m just fine!” and she kept on insisting that despite using more and more tissues. And this…
I didn’t go to the doctor. sambear went to his doctor and the fast strep was negative, so there wasn’t really a reason to spend more money for me to get the same verdict. It’s just a really nasty virus…
I’m thinking of using this banned books list as a shopping list. I’ve read many of the ones on the list, but not all of them. Okay, I have no need to have American Psycho in the house (wasn’t that…
I rested. Yay. All hail the power of Nyquil. And the stuff I’ve done today isn’t really cleaning. It’s bare maintenance—the stuff required so that I can stand to be here. Current Mood: 😐lazy
I think I may officially have sambear‘s crud. Yuck. It could just still be icky allergies, but I’ve been up much of the night coughing due to sinus drainage and my throat feels sandpapered. I was feeling fine yesterday, and…
We can have the Girl Scout parent meeting at a nearby church. In fact, it seems that darn near every troop in this service unit meets at that church. They’re very nice about it, and they do have a big…
Current Mood: 🙂contentCurrent Music: A Dancing World – Echo’s Children
We enjoyed several hours of singing with friends last night—sambear even got out his guitar. There was also yummy food and great conversation. I have a new (borrowed) Echo’s Children CD to listen to. All the books are arranged neatly…
Current Mood: 🙂happy
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