I must brag. I subscribe to Net-Gold, which is a list where selected people find and share the “best” websites on the internet. I was shocked to find my own page featured on it today. Yes, I do need to…
The Geek Who Understands You
I must brag. I subscribe to Net-Gold, which is a list where selected people find and share the “best” websites on the internet. I was shocked to find my own page featured on it today. Yes, I do need to…
This week: Horrid pain and fibro fog. Unexpected $420.80 in car repairs. More hassle from the financial aid department. $2-3k less financial aid than I was supposed to get, and none of it paid to ME yet. On the nicer…
I know some of you might be interested in this community for artists: artistsonlj Thanks to redcub for creating it!
Swiss Memory USB I happen to like my Squirt better than any Swiss Army Knife I’ve seen, but having the USB flash memory added is pretty cool.
I finally got around to subscribing to FM Network News and FM Aware Magazine. I’d been interested in both for some time, but I was reluctant to order publications that I haven’t ever had in my hands. My excuse, finally,…
Okay, this’ll probably start the political arguments again, but anyway: Will The Commissioners Cave? Appearing Sunday on ABC’s This Week, Sept. 11 commission chairman Kean fell in line, saying repeatedly that the staff report is only an “interim report.” Not…
Private craft soars into space, history MOJAVE, California (CNN) — SpaceShipOne left the Earth behind on Monday morning and made its indelible entry in the history books as the first private spacecraft to carry humans into space. It touched down…
Well, okay, maybe not quite THAT good. BUT when I started the day, I had two courses to do for this semester and five incompletes to finish. Now I’ve largely got one of the current courses FINISHED, and I’m more…
I must engage in a bit of domestic “I told you so”-ing here. For the past few years, I’ve been fond of the various laundry sheets or cloths that are supposed to catch dye in the wash. The idea is…
Thank you sambear. You are incredible. You have a gift for loving and nurturing that leaves me in awe. I am so very grateful to have you in my life, and in shadowkatt‘s life. You are a blessing. Daddy, I…
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