Think of Something Good…

This week: Horrid pain and fibro fog. Unexpected $420.80 in car repairs. More hassle from the financial aid department. $2-3k less financial aid than I was supposed to get, and none of it paid to ME yet.

On the nicer side, I think that an old friend I wanted to reconnect with tried to join the Atlanta Freecycle list. Barry is a good guy, and I’d just like to introduce him to the family and chat. I’m hoping he’ll answer my email. We were in touch via email briefly a couple of years back, but then his email went into permanent bounce mode because the mailbox is full.

I’ve been thinking of old friends a lot lately. I got an invitation to my 20th high school reunion, which will happen this October. I’m OLD!

I volunteered to help locate some of the folks who are listed as “missing.” I’ve already found a couple of them.

One person who isn’t listed as missing is Melissa Bonner. I’ve searched for her several times in the past, wondering what became of my best friend from middle school. We drifted into different crowds in high school. As another friend said, she’s probably splitting atoms or teaching college somewhere.

There are other people I’m curious about, but I’d really like to sit down and visit with Melissa and Barry for a few hours, at the very least.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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