I created a new article on my professional site today, Useful skills for growing in tech. I’d love to get some feedback on it.
The Geek Who Understands You
I created a new article on my professional site today, Useful skills for growing in tech. I’d love to get some feedback on it.
The migraine is gone, happily. The pain isn’t. But I’m up and at ’em, ready for work to start before long. I don’t want to lose this little video: Five stitches you need to know if you’re a beginner crocheter…
I can’t recall whether or not I mentioned that I returned to college on 1 June of this year, but I did. I’m attending Western Governors University, majoring in Information Technology/Software Development. It’s a completely online curriculum; each term is…
Hi! It’s been a while, I know. Katie is nearly finished with college now, but I’ve been busily learning online again! Codecademy still rules as far as the resources available and the quality of the lessons they offer. FreeCodeCamp is…
I’ve been looking into online education lately, beyond my experiment with learning programming (which is still ongoing). These are some of the resources I’ve identified. They’re all free, although you don’t get college credit for the courses. Coursera – courses…
Or, at the very least, give yourself more resources to fight it! Cognitive abilities are like muscles, in that they have to be developed and exercised regularly, even stretched to keep them flexible. We can’t necessarily avoid the cognitive deficits…
Y’all are tired of me doing this, aren’t you? Learning to Code, Part 5. Well, I had some fun away from the computer when my oldest nephew visited today. He’s a non-stop bundle of energy! We got the air hockey…
I just can’t stay away from Codecademy. I went back and finished the Web Fundamentals course. I had been waiting because there’s JavaScript involved in the last few assignments, but it turns out I was able to do those without…
After looking around at the Q&A forums at Codecademy and finding that most of the other beginners are as lost as I am, I’ve decided that maybe I’m stuck on the current lesson because the author just isn’t very good,…
I got a response from Codecademy acknowledging that the problem I experienced was on their end. They gave me some code that would let me get past that lesson, but it contained a variable that wasn’t mentioned in the lesson.…
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