I just can’t stay away from Codecademy. I went back and finished the Web Fundamentals course. I had been waiting because there’s JavaScript involved in the last few assignments, but it turns out I was able to do those without finishing the JavaScript courses. I feel all warm and fuzzy now.
It’s good that I have that feeling about something because I certainly don’t feel that way about the library book I checked out. JavaScript in Easy Steps by Mike McGrath is useless. Yes, the steps are easy if you just want to type. There’s almost no explanation of anything, so either I already know the material, or I can’t learn from it. Being told, “Type this in. This is what the result will be,” without any source code to view (the free downloads website is only available to people in the U.K.) and no troubleshooting tips is silly. Just a screenshot of what the finished code should look like would be a good idea because the author’s instructions aren’t always so clear or even sequential. I’m glad I didn’t spend money on this book.
So I’ll be waiting for my friend’s explanation and wishing all the lessons at Codecademy were as well-written as the early JavaScript ones.
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