
I must brag. I subscribe to Net-Gold, which is a list where selected people find and share the “best” websites on the internet.

I was shocked to find my own page featured on it today.

Yes, I do need to update some links 🙂

There are many personal web pages out there on the internet. Some are
excellent. Some are very forgettable. Personal web pages that give
insight into a person or family’s travels for life and lead to internet
sources pertinent to the hills, mountains, valleys, and fields of this life
experience are moving and valuable at the same time. “Techno-Mom” has
created such an invaluable website.

POPULAR: PERSONAL HOME PAGES: Techno-Mom: Stay Warm. Update Your Virus
Definitions. Take Your Vitamins. Email Me When You Get Home.

Stay Warm. Update Your Virus
Definitions. Take Your Vitamins. Email Me When You Get Home.

The text provided in this charming site contains hyperlinked words that
take one to more content about that concept or links to sources on the
internet that provide resources or information about the linked concept.

“Yep, I’m The Mommy. I’m also a student, singer, homemaker, lover,
writer, gamer, activist, stitcher, and more. I’m a polyamorous Unitarian
Universalist eclectic pagan fat homeschooling geeky libertarian gun-
owning Girl Scout leader. None of those labels fully describe me, but
they’re a start. If any of them offend you, leave now. If you don’t want
any, you can’t have any!

Should you choose to stay, this is a purely personal site full of
information that’s unlikely to be terribly interesting to anyone but
those near and dear to me, but hey—that sense of consensual voyeurism
is one of the things people like about the web, right?”

The hyperlinked word singer in the above text leads to:

Making Music

“Making Music
I sing as often as possible. A voice teacher back in college labeled me
a lyric soprano, but my range runs from alto on up. In August 2000 I was
blessed with the opportunity to attend a workshop called No Wrong Notes
led by David Roth at the Omega Institute. It was wonderful, and I was
reminded of how much joy I get from making music. I went to Elise Witt’s
Singing for Fun workshop more recently, and it was an incredible

The hyperlinked phrase Omega Institute leads to:

Omega Institute

[Techno-Mom needs to update her link here]

“Omega is the nation’s largest and most trusted holistic education
provider and is highly regarded for its pioneering work in holistic
health, meditation, yoga, transformational psychology, spirituality,
world music, and art. View our 6-minute video to learn more about us.

Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, whose vision of a holistic education center was
the impetus to start Omega Institute almost 30 years ago, died June 17,
2004, at his home in Suresnes, just outside Paris, France, two days
before his 88th birthday. He was an internationally known meditation
master, world religion scholar, lecturer, author, and head of the Sufi
Order International. For a full obituary, click here.”


The Making Music page also states:

“I’m leaning more and more to contemporary folk music these days, and our
copies of Rise Up Singing are starting to look well-loved, to say the
least (yes, as soon as the new volume is out, we’ll own copies of it). I’m
rather annoyed that The Prairie Home Companion Folk Song Book is out of
print – if anyone knows of a source, please let me know! My next purchase
of a music book will likely be Kate Marks’ Circle of Song, although Songs
for Earthlings and Libana’s songbook and A Bard’s Book of Pagan Songs :
Stories and Music from the Celtic World are very tempting as well.”

The hyperlinked phrase “contemporary folk music” leads to this page.

The Sing Out Pages

Sing Out!’s mission is to preserve and support the cultural diversity and
heritage of all traditional and contemporary folk music, and to encourage
making folk music a part of our everyday lives. We are a tax-exempt,
not-for-profit, educational organization.

Techno-Mom mentions the Prairie Home Companion, but I am going to cheat
here and give you my post of times before to their content, as I chortled
the whole time I composed this post. One can go to Techno-Mom’s website
to find where the Prairie Home Companion link takes one there.

MISC> The Legacy of Football Coach Lombardi is Music to Some Ears

* From: Gleason Sackmann
* To: NetHappenings
* Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 08:38:08 -0500

Net Happenings – From Educational CyberPlayGround

From: “David P. Dillard”
Sent: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 20:14:03 -0500 (EST)


There is plenty more content and related resource links to be found on
this site:

“Browsing through this site, you’ll find articles I’ve written about
various issues due to personal experience or concern, and some
health-related matters that I’ve had reason to research as well. There
are some geeky bits as well, related to things I’ve done for money in the
past. Some of the pieces I’ve written don’t fit into any of those
categories, so they get stuck over here. Unless you were looking for my
resume and work-related writing samples? ”

The Health-Related Matters page leads to a more serious side of the lives
in this family:

Health-Related Matters

Mental Health
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Repetitive Strain Injuries

and the hyperlinked word above, “Fibrmylagia” leads to this link:


Introduction & Our experiences
Tips for People With Fibromyalgia
Recommended Sites
Current Headlines

Visiting this site will bring some smiles and bring some concern and
sorrow, but the one thing this site should not do is, contrary to the site
owner’s statement, be of little interest. There is something for many
people on this site.

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204 – 4584

Current Mood: 🙂pleased
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
Posts created 4298

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