Thursday Quotes/LJ Matches

The purpose of art: to make the unconscious conscious.

There is the Music of Heaven in all things and we have forgotten how to hear it until we sing.
–Hildegard von Bingen

technomom’s LiveJournal Friend Stats I
Biggest digital packrat: sleepingwolf
Most easily-distracted: ga_sunshine
Most friendly: wordweaverlynn
Most popular: theferrett
Most communities: wordcandlemage
Oldest on LJ: sleepingwolf
Newest to LJ: shadowvelvet
What Are YOUR LiveJournal Friend Stats?

(Beta – May be slow for those with large friends lists)

While I’m at it I’ll update the other two:

sisterfish125 106%
rasilio 102%
runeshower 95%
seidl 95%
forestwalker 95%
sraun 91%
ga_sunshine 91%
riff_77 91%
ocean_song 91%
kmccready 91%
twochicsinbham 91%
semperfiona 87%
ginamariewade 87%
keiracaitlyn 87%
mizmoose 87%
moonstaff 87%
hobbitblue 87%
hopeevey 87%
jack_burroghs 87%
rikibeth 87%
starrchilde 84%
redcub 84%
ariedana 84%
hlynna 84%
simplykimberly 84%
walkingbear 84%
jenk 80%
lavendargrrl 80%
noelfigart 76%
sarahh 76%
alice_bunnie 76%
wyvernfriend 76%
crimsonblossom 76%
freyjaw 76%
giza 76%
ladymerrydeath 76%
dandelion_diva 76%
gwinna 76%
kittybecca 76%
cybrcat 76%
jenngbob 76%
dandelion_diva 73%
sidhe79 72%
earendel 72%
ohari 72%
wcg 72%
alphafem 70%
elfgirl 70%
grizzlydan 69%
theferrett 69%
silver_hawke 68%
pdcawley 65%
slamarama 65%
aidyn 65%
oakdragon 64%
kellinator 63%
sassenach 62%
earthymamawitch 62%
triadj 62%
mfree 61%
popefelix 61%
sir_alf 61%
greyknight 61%
devichan 60%
waya 60%
gwynraven 60%
pickmansraven 58%
sambear 58%
jingoro 58%
mrpsyklops 58%
polyfrog 58%
crazedyote 58%
celticmoni 58%
dragontdc 58%
chiefted 56%
dwivian 54%
tbrents 54%
hangedwoman 52%
blckwngdorcl 52%
bookofmirrors 47%
asim 47%
crasch 47%
wordweaverlynn 47%
breklor 47%
patgreene 47%
gaeasson 47%
sleepingwolf 47%
papilleau 43%
How compatible with me are YOU?

(apparently the other one won’t fit in the same post)

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
Posts created 4265

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