Dedicated to The Girl Kioshi is not allowed in the room when I’m trying to sleep, because he either keeps me awake, or lets me get just into sleep, then goes on a tear knocking things off every surface in…
The Geek Who Understands You
Dedicated to The Girl Kioshi is not allowed in the room when I’m trying to sleep, because he either keeps me awake, or lets me get just into sleep, then goes on a tear knocking things off every surface in…
Not from the grave, oh no, not yet! It’s been too long to do a real “this is all that has happened in my life.” Writing it would exhaust me, and reading it would likely bore you. If you want…
We got Katie’s report card in, and she did in fact get all As! She’s well into the next semester now. Because everybody else was registered for this year last spring, the advanced physics course was full and she’s in…
Well, we’re waiting for Katie’s final grades for the fall semester while enjoying winter break for both of us. We had Sam home for the first half of our breaks with us, but unfortunately working for a school isn’t quite…
School is going along fine. In fact, another semester is almost done for me, and Katie’s almost at the end of her semester, too. She’s kicking ass and taking names. Now that she’s settled academically, she’s stretching out into some…
I haven’t mentioned how Katie is doing in a while. While there have been some adjustment issues switching over to “school” from homeschooling, she’s got all As. The “life by the bell” thing has been a nuisance, and she and…
The girl wants to color her hair purple but has wisely decided to try a temporary color before going with the permanent stuff. Her natural color is honey brown/dark blonde. She does NOT want to bleach her hair first. Any…
Wow. It’s been almost as fun listening to the kids (Katie’s gang, here for her birthday party) game as it would be to be part of a game myself. Maybe I will play Vampire someday. I suppose I’d trust Sam…
16 years ago today, I held Katie in my arms for the first time. You’re still the most marvelous surprise in the world, angel. If I could have special-ordered a child, she would have been you. Thank you for being…
Katie is absolutely loving school. Well, she loves the social aspect, and the challenge of interacting with new instructors. She isn’t happy about living by a bell, and of course, all of us are adjusting to living on the school’s…
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