Katie, Me and Schools

Well, we’re waiting for Katie’s final grades for the fall semester while enjoying winter break for both of us. We had Sam home for the first half of our breaks with us, but unfortunately working for a school isn’t quite as luxurious as being a student.

Katie has had mostly As in her progress reports across the term, so I expect that should be what we see on her report card. We’re working on an algebra refresher/wrap-up here at home, as she’ll be going into geometry at school when she goes back next week. I don’t honestly recall using a great deal of algebra in geometry, do you? Of course, I absolutely loathed geometry and never “got it” to any real extent. This doesn’t bode well for homework help this semester.

She has truly loved her art class. While she has had more access to art supplies at home than I ever had in school or outside it, and I’ve taken her to a fair number of museums and tried to give her some grounding in art history, I’m no artist. She’s learned more in that one art class than I could have ever taught her, and she’s hungry for more. So hungry! I should have given her access to art classes earlier, obviously—but hindsight is 20/20. She wants to take summer school classes this year, and I’m even more in favor of it if it means she can continue her pursuit of art.

I’ve already gotten my grades. The fantastic support I’ve gotten from Sam and Katie made it possible for me to get As in both of my courses for the first half of the fall semester. The second half of the fall semester (Devry does things oddly) starts on 8 January. I’m taking all my courses online again, as that works better for the family and my ridiculous body.

Oh, I nearly forgot! We got the results back from Katie’s first PSAT. She didn’t do so great in math, which isn’t surprising, not having had any geometry yet. She didn’t do too badly on it either—84th percentile, something like that, as I recall. She ran out of time on that section. She was in the mid to upper 90s on everything else. We were a bit concerned because the counselor at the high school couldn’t be arsed to get Katie’s accommodations in place in time for the test, but obviously, it turned out quite well anyway. The accommodations will be in place and she will have passed geometry before she takes it “for real” next fall, when it counts as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.

Well, back to “storing up” sleep and taking pictures of everything, most especially spoiled little Kiyoshi the solar-powered cat. I miss spending this much time with Katie on a daily basis. It was much nicer, but she does love her school. She is obviously energized by the academic discourse, even by disagreeing with an annoying teacher. She was ready to try out her wings, and we had a good school nearby where she could do so. I’m glad we could go back to homeschooling if we chose to or needed to do so, but I’m glad the fledgling’s flight is going so well, too.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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