This was, officially, the Day of Driving All Over Atlanta. Since Sam did all of the driving, and I actually only had to go to one of the five scheduled appointments, it’s ridiculous that I’m even tired. My poor sweetie…
The Geek Who Understands You
This was, officially, the Day of Driving All Over Atlanta. Since Sam did all of the driving, and I actually only had to go to one of the five scheduled appointments, it’s ridiculous that I’m even tired. My poor sweetie…
My sweetie had to run a bunch of errands before he got home last night, which shortened our date a bit. Groceries were needful, though. We had some delicious deli-style sandwiches after he got home, so there wasn’t a kitchen…
This not-flu or whatever is exceedingly tiresome. I should think it would be enough to live with the day-to-day stuff, let alone put up with this. Then again, nobody has ever claimed in my hearing that the world is fair.…
I am, in fact, still keeping up with Thing-a-Day! I need to go post over there, though. I do wish I could automatically cross-post, but if wishes were fishes and all that. I stitched tonight while Sam and I gamed.…
What a weirdo! I mean, you’d think these kids were being, I don’t know, responsible or something! Just because she has an appointment early in the morning, she came home early. Kids these days! I don’t think I ever got…
Today’s entry, Homeschooling High School in College?, is over at Academy Caritas. I expect to update there more regularly, now that we’re officially homeschooling again.
I feel like I’ve driven across the state when I really spent very little time in the car today—for an Atlantan. We went to see Katie’s doctor, filling out the inevitable “It’s January!” paperwork. Do they think people always move…
I mean, like get up by a certain time and be conscious enough to drive, which is unusual. Really unusual, as I very seldom drive. But the girl needs to go see the doctor, and she still sees a pediatrician…
I got through NaBloPoMo, as ridiculous as it was to commit to posting at least once a day for a month. So of course that small success has led me, in a moment of more-than-usual-lunacy, to sign up for Blog365…
I can’t remember the last time I even considered seeking news anywhere but online. Whether it’s what’s going on around Atlanta, the nation, or the world, or just a weather update, I look there first if at all possible. Since…
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