Yeah, well, it’s almost the end of January 2 🙂 But I haven’t spent that much time online, in favor of family, homework, and stitching. I decided to split the update into several posts. Happy Birthday to cybrcat! I’m sorry…
The Geek Who Understands You
Yeah, well, it’s almost the end of January 2 🙂 But I haven’t spent that much time online, in favor of family, homework, and stitching. I decided to split the update into several posts. Happy Birthday to cybrcat! I’m sorry…
This is an introduction to me that goes beyond the stuff on my LJ user info page. I’ll try to remember to update it as things change. Remind me if I don’t, okay?
Have I mentioned that I’ve had an obscene number of lovely domestic things coming into my life over the last six months? I know it may seem silly, but I have been looking for a particular kind of mixing bowl…
I’m working on finishing some stitched presents today, to be taken to my family of origin tonight or tomorrow. I won’t be online, for the most part, as that doesn’t really work so well with the stitching. Yesterday, shadowkatt and…
Better Times Almanac—An Occasional Almanac of Useful Information about Simple, Sustainable, and Frugal Living
We had a lovely day, although with a slightly smaller crowd than in past years. wordcandlemage was sorely missed, as a migraine kept him at home hiding from the wicked daystar. dracofrost‘s stepmother was ill, so we didn’t have the…
Well, it was a busy weekend, and I was looking forward to a quiet Monday. I didn’t get it, but it could have been much worse. Friday night, my marvelous family hosted a birthday party for me. curiousmay9 and I…
I mentioned this a while back, but want to remind you: We do Thanksgiving at our house each year. If you’re in town and want to come, let us know. It’s a no-TV day, which is part of the reason…
I just vacuumed the entire first floor of the house without using up even one spoon. Yay Roomba! I’ll send it upstairs with shadowkatt or curiousmay9 after it’s done recharging. I planned to do nothing today. That’s a first for…
The kitchen cleaning is made easier by the new faucet! I can’t find a photo of the exact model, but this is similar. The water filter doesn’t work with it, but there is a filter on the water line to…
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