I’m two days into a week of no antihistamines, while the pollen levels keep going up and up. This is to prepare for allergy tests on Tuesday. And then my MS Contin (morphine sulfate) was stolen yesterday. Getting a replacement…
The Geek Who Understands You
I’m two days into a week of no antihistamines, while the pollen levels keep going up and up. This is to prepare for allergy tests on Tuesday. And then my MS Contin (morphine sulfate) was stolen yesterday. Getting a replacement…
I just realized that I haven’t taken any of my meds today. Whoops! I’m taking a break, as Sam has been pushing me to do for a while now. He’s washing the windows outside, and I’ve been doing more planting.…
Sorta. I feel like I haven’t done anything because I’m in lots of pain and therefore not moving around a lot. But while my kitchen needs love, I’ve finished inventorying all the videos (other than the few that are likely…
Chronic pain may permanently shrink the brain The Northwestern University team had previously shown patients with back pain had decreased activity in the same brain region called the thalamus. This area is known to be important in decision-making and social…
Today started with a migraine. sambear medicated me, then went out to brave the dance supply place with shadowkatt. After the meds kicked in, I got up and started moving furniture for the next stage of painting, and to figure…
I haven’t really being posting personal stuff in the last few weeks. I suppose that might be a relief to some, but this IS a personal journal, not just a “look at the neat thing I found” place. Whenever I…
So my man is at work again today. The house is incredibly quiet with him gone and the girl still sleeping. Getting shadowkatt back on to a daytime schedule isn’t going so well. She’s had migraines twice in the morning.…
I talked about this issue a couple of years ago, but it was in a locked post. I’m repeating myself in some ways, but this time it’s public. I try not to whine TOO much. I hate whining. Pain is…
Interesting article: The Clutter-Depression Connection The state of my home is an instant clue to how I’m feeling. If I’m in a pain flare or very depressed (and they’re usually linked), things go downhill quickly. We’ve decluttered a LOT in…
Let’s see – shadowkatt, curiousmay9 and ridinrabbit returned from their New York city jaunt LATE last night. sambear and I then delivered the girl to my parents, and she’s off to the beach with them for most of the week.…
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