Paula Kamen, author of All In My Head, talks about the value of education in coping with chronic illness in an excellent editorial in the New York Times, Leaving the Rabbit Hole. This passage, in particular, spoke to me: The…
The Geek Who Understands You
Paula Kamen, author of All In My Head, talks about the value of education in coping with chronic illness in an excellent editorial in the New York Times, Leaving the Rabbit Hole. This passage, in particular, spoke to me: The…
The girl is gone this weekend. I’m starting to feel like the house is just a place where she keeps her stuff and does her laundry! I suppose that’s normal for any parent of an older teen and good practice…
I’ve had these two stories bookmarked to post here for a bit, so it seems past time for me to actually do it. The best new pain cures, with a focus on women Many women have a tough time finding…
Not that it’s news to those of us who have it, but it’s good to be validated! Fibromyalgia often has been misdiagnosed as arthritis or even a psychological issue. Increasingly, though, the scientific knowledge about fibromyalgia is growing, and a…
Episode 4 The first episode in the new, shorter format, recorded on my very own microphone. Thank you for your patience in waiting for it! Most of today’s show is about audio entertainment and information, which is great when the…
Originally uploaded by ChatOmbre. This is one flower of the lovely bouquet in my living room right now. Sam knows how much I value fresh flowers, so he usually brings them to me every week or two. Katie knows that…
I’ve been almost afraid to talk about it, but last week my pain management doctor prescribed breakthrough pain medication for the first time. I’ve been leery of taking it too often, so I’m taking it once every few days instead…
The pain management doc gave me a breakthrough pain med for the first time, because of the new diagnosis. It’s more morphine—just an instant-release version, this time. Sam got it filled for me yesterday. I didn’t expect a huge difference,…
While I doubt the IRS is going to let us claim iPods as medical equipment for tax deductions any time soon, it’s well worth experimenting to see what music soothes each of us. From BBC News via the Net-Gold list:…
Dyspareunia is one of the common symptoms of fibromyalgia, or as a co-existing problem. I don’t usually look at Wired for this kind of thing, but the article When Sex Is a Pain has some good ideas for dealing with…
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