I have an SBQ to post, but it’ll have to wait. 🙂 I’m loving having Hope here for a visit. She’s great company, and certainly easy on the eyes. She’s been marvelously patient with my need to sleep so much…
The Geek Who Understands You
I have an SBQ to post, but it’ll have to wait. 🙂 I’m loving having Hope here for a visit. She’s great company, and certainly easy on the eyes. She’s been marvelously patient with my need to sleep so much…
But tonight’s game was really, really good, and even though we retconned something and most GMs wouldn’t be as accommodating as Sam, he managed to make a new thing damn near as difficult (or more so than) the old thing,…
This afternoon, I opened the blinds on the windows behind my chair, thinking it would draw Kioshi off the monitor (his tail kept obscuring the screen) to look out the windows. Nope. He turned around, so at least his tail…
Katie is under the weather, and after I realized she’d been exposed to strep throat last week I took her to the doctor today. Seeing the doctor took far less time than finding a doctor to see. Her “primary care…
A few weeks ago, I acquired almost a month of Medifast diabetic foods via Freecycle. I’d been considering giving Medifast a try, but the price is a bit much for a “try.” The post seemed meant for me, so I’m…
Slashfood – aka slashfood_feed. It’s a blog with a whole category just for food porn. I figure simplykimberly, shunra, misia and the rest of you serious cooks already know about it, but just in case…
The oral surgery didn’t go too badly for Katie, but recovery took a little longer than anticipated. She missed school yesterday. In fact, she was pretty much unconscious from sometime during the surgery ’til about 1:30 pm yesterday. She’s at…
sambear and I went to the Renaissance Festival today! It was wonderful. I didn’t feel like going this morning. That’s usually my worst time of day. But I knew that if I had to wimp out during the visit, Sam…
Dinner tonight should be interesting. curiousmay9‘s latest farmer’s market buys are on the counter: a bunch of turbanas (short, fat bananas that she claims are better than standard bananas) an eggplant a spaghetti squash an avocado a pear
(I broke one long entry up into several shorter ones since there wasn’t much to relate the items, anyway.) I got a catalog yesterday about “Zen at the Mountain Monastery.” I have no idea why I’m on the mailing list…
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