Fun Day

I have an SBQ to post, but it’ll have to wait. 🙂

I’m loving having Hope here for a visit. She’s great company, and certainly easy on the eyes. She’s been marvelously patient with my need to sleep so much and the fact that I’m dopey from fibro fogs and medications.

We played Primetime Adventures last night, then had a freeform session in CoraNi (Sam’s world) tonight. Hope’s poor character is a total innocent, and she wound up in Blacpool (the New York of CoraNi) with a libertine bard as her, um, chaperone. Or, at least, the person who has agreed to help her get settled in the city as a favor to an old friend. Just meeting two of the bard’s lovers expanded her horizons, then she went to a private coming-of-age party as a dancer to perform with said bard. That party expanded many people’s horizons.

Hope played the character marvelously, and we all had a great time. Katie tried out a new character, too, but I’m going blank on the character’s name. I’m hoping we might have time to play more tomorrow, although I’m not sure that Sam will want to play the same game again since he has a whole mess of indie games, most of which he hasn’t had a chance to play yet.

I’m nearly done with the Fairy Tale sampler I’m stitching, thanks to the time spent gaming. Yay! I love the piece, but I’m ready to work on something else for a while. I have to find where the little frog treasure has gotten off too so I can attach it, though.

Sam made my very favorite meal, fettucine alfredo with chicken, for dinner. My mouth wanted to eat a lot more than my tummy could have handled! The house still smells yummy from it.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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One thought on “Fun Day

  1. I am very happy to be here, and very glad you’re taking care of yourself.

    The games were quite delightful 🙂

    The sampler is lovely, too.

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