It’s 90 degrees F outside now. It was 103 earlier. We’re still in the first week of June. I have no idea what the “effective temperature” (or whatever they call it) is when the humidity is factored in.
Even with monthly filter changes and window units in both bedrooms, the air conditioner just can’t keep up.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any reason to think we’ll be able to move to points north before we find out what it’s going to be like here in July and August.
Aren’t there any Canadians who want to adopt a nice family of three?
Oh, I thought it was only 95 when I was out staining the deck. ;p Of course, that’s why I gave up and waited until the evening. I think I’ll do the same tomorrow. 🙂
Thanks, Willow!
Alice, I looked at Accuweather right after posting. It said the current temp was 92 and the “FeelsLike(TM)” temp was 101! Yeah, I think you’d best do that project in the early mornings and later in the evening to avoid sunstroke.
I’ve been keeping a bottle of water and it’s in the shade in the evenings. In the mornings it’s in full sun and also I have to wait until 11am for the dew to burn off for it to be fully dry so that defeats the purpose. 🙂 That’s why I waited until evening. I was much more comfortable doing it this evening from 6pm until 8pm than from 10am-2pm this morning.
I don’t know what the heat index was today, but my thermometer read 103 degrees out by the pool.
**sending cool thoughts**
It’s 49 here now. Was as high as 58 in the afternoon, but cooled down.
I’m not sure we’re *getting* a summer… just an extended spring.
I wish I could send you some coolth…
I am SO envious!
It’s 103 here, with a “realfeel” of 112.
I wonder where this weather station is that’s getting this reading? Is it in the middle of a parking lot with no trees? ;p is saying 97 with a “feels like” of 97. Even says 30360 has a reporting 96, with “Real Feel” of 99.
The thermometer on our front porch says 105 now. It’s under the porch roof, so there’s a little shade.
Hmmm, mine says 94.