
A Monster Got Me!

Repeatedly, even.

At Sam’s Club.

Okay, he was maybe 4 years old, and a serious cutie. Wearing a Marine Corps t-shirt, no less. First, he ran up to a couple in front of me and “RAWRRd,” (not actually touching anyone). The man laughed but had to stop and try to look huffy when his wife got all pissy. I smiled at the little one and laughed, and smiled at his parents.

His father came over and informed me that his son had been watching “monster” cartoons. He didn’t speak a lot of English, but we were able to communicate just fine.

Monster Boy figured that I was safe, so he “attacked” me a half-dozen times before I got to the “check your receipt” lady. I suppose my “Oh Noes!” response was good enough because he kept coming back. I did get a tickle in, which made him squeal with glee.

I did get a little worried when he tried to follow me out to the parking lot (lots of traffic!) but his father was on the ball.

I try to avoid Sam’s Club/Walmart/etc., but they do have the cheapest prescriptions in town, so we end up there once a month.

That was the nicest visit I’ve ever had.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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3 thoughts on “A Monster Got Me!

  1. Every once in a while, you can still play with other people’s kids; I’m always real careful to catch the parent’s eye if the kid and I might actually make contact, but I’m definitely always up for child’s play when I’m out shopping. I hate shopping.

  2. Very cool — both that you were willing to engage a little bit with the “monster” and that his dad was on the ball keeping an eye on things — a kid like that will likely grow up with a lot of self-confidence! Thanks for the early-morning grin.

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