Hmph. As I call through the 27 possible garbage services listed for our county, I can’t help but think that this is a ridiculous process. The county site does have a list of utility companies, but it can’t tell me…
The Geek Who Understands You
Hmph. As I call through the 27 possible garbage services listed for our county, I can’t help but think that this is a ridiculous process. The county site does have a list of utility companies, but it can’t tell me…
Happy Birthday popefelix! Have any of you read The Wonder of Boys? It looks interesting. It was mentioned in a discussion about helping adolescents to understand the changes in their bodies. The venerable Our Bodies, Ourselves has been suggested for…
This quote: Television has raised writing to a new low. –Samuel Goldwyn Reminded me of this one: To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present, very few people have reached this level.…
Guns, drugs, thefts keep school policy busy All of these incidents happened in Gwinnett County, where we used to live. I hear a lot of stories that don’t make it into the news because I have several relatives who work…
More from Renatta Paries’ What It Takes
theferrett‘s wife zoethe posted this piece, which has been passed through a whole mess of LJ users. I tracked down the author, Rinatta Paries, and her site What It Takes, although I didn’t find this exact article there. It’s very…
Happy Birthday kittybecca! If anyone sees a frantic message posted from my LJ name or sent using any of my chat IDs claiming that someone is being held hostage and starved, it’s just Shelley. We put her on Iams Active…
Ally McBeal, Heteroflexibility, and Lesbian Visibility on TV This curiosity by heterosexually-identified women isn’t new, but the increase in public awareness and public acceptance of it is a recent development. It is best described by the term “heteroflexible,” which…
As certain politicians work diligently to prevent marriage between two people of the same sex, others of us have been busy drafting a Constitutional Amendment codifying all marriages entirely on biblical principles. After all, God wouldn’t want us to “pick…
A teacher’s review of Georgia’s new high school history curriculum: Dumbing down our past doesn’t serve our future The Civil War is just one of the topics that have been removed from the US history course, which focuses on 1876…
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