This quote:
Television has raised writing to a new low.
–Samuel Goldwyn
Reminded me of this one:
To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present, very few people have reached this level.
–Bertrand Russell
Apropos of absolutely nothing, I want Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Cleaning Pads. I’ve heard good things about them, but haven’t been able to find them anywhere locally.
I got Tilex yesterday and sprayed it on the grout in the bathroom. It’s supposed to make the stains go away with no scrubbing. I love the way tile looks, but I HATE scrubbing grout. While Tilex may help those stains, apparently it isn’t safe to be inhaled by man or beast. Even with the exhaust fan going, I felt sick almost immediately. So forget the Tilex.
I’m looking at other schools. I’m tired of the hassles with SPSU. Does anybody know anything about Reinhardt?