So Many Things!

Happy Birthday kittybecca!

If anyone sees a frantic message posted from my LJ name or sent using any of my chat IDs claiming that someone is being held hostage and starved, it’s just Shelley. We put her on Iams Active Maturity formula dry food and she believes she’s been tortured. As there’s still output in the litter box, I know she IS in fact eating. She just doesn’t want us to KNOW that she’s eating. There’s less output than before, so it’s a win-win for us—savings on both ends of the cycle!

The next hurdle: meals at specific times instead of feeding on demand. I expect even more protest from her then.

She’s drinking a lot more water, too. That’s good, and I suppose it’s to be expected with going from wet/moist to dry food. She’s still trying to convince us to run water in the showers for her, which we refuse to do. The pet fountain is plenty clean and fresh!

shadowkatt is going to the pediatrician today. She had complained briefly of one of her knees bothering her Sunday night, but it seemed okay after the application of an ice pack. Unfortunately, both knees gave her trouble during her pointe prep class last night, so we picked her up early. She says they’re “popping” and feel like they’re moving oddly.

We did sign up for the YMCA membership yesterday! I had planned to go this morning, but of course, the girl takes precedence. I’m honestly wondering if she needs to do some work building up muscles to support her knees.

A quote I liked from a newsletter, speaking about the right to keep and bear arms:
I’m not a particularly big guy, and I don’t have time to become a Kung Fu expert—I need those tools (if I don’t want to simply surrender my fate to whatever safety and justice the police can secure for me, in what little time they have left after chasing harmless pot smokers and vitamin takers all over the countryside).
–Louis James, Free-Market News, “Weapons of Mass Instruction” (this week’s newsletter)

I’ve resisted the lure of quizzes for so long! But walkingbear is a very bad influence.
Which Oh My Gods! Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Yesterday was a busy day. Katie did academics while I did household chores (while discussing/going over lessons with her) in the morning. We hit the library, went to Target for some basic needs, ran by CVS and the post office, and got some groceries.

I have to say that checking out at Publix goes far faster than at Kroger, despite the fact that there were ice storm warnings yesterday (which meant that everybody in the state when to buy bread, milk, and toilet paper). They took my groceries to the car for me, too. I didn’t really need them to do that, but it was nice.

I haven’t noticed an auto supply store around here. I need windshield wiper fluid and Target had precisely one crappy kind. I want the kind that doesn’t freeze! I suppose I’ll have to actually look up the location of one—imagine that!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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