The dumpster fire that is our country has me spending more time thinking about self-care. How can I care for myself so I don’t burn out or blow up? What do you do? I’m going to try limiting my exposure…
The Geek Who Understands You
The dumpster fire that is our country has me spending more time thinking about self-care. How can I care for myself so I don’t burn out or blow up? What do you do? I’m going to try limiting my exposure…
For about six weeks, I’ve spent Sunday mornings participating in a video gathering for an hour or two. A friend started it to build and maintain personal connections. I look forward to it each week and always learn something. Today,…
Rick and I had a productive day, though we didn’t accomplish one thing I needed to do. That was dependent on another person, and he let us down. We started by going to the Artist Alley event at Giga-Bites Café.…
The migraine is gone, happily. The pain isn’t. But I’m up and at ’em, ready for work to start before long. I don’t want to lose this little video: Five stitches you need to know if you’re a beginner crocheter…
My day started a little later than usual. I was up late (for me, anyway) playing D&D with a new group. It was a very lively game full of fun, but we also defeated the bad construct. Once I got…
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