My day started a little later than usual. I was up late (for me, anyway) playing D&D with a new group. It was a very lively game full of fun, but we also defeated the bad construct.
Once I got up, I started gathering information that would make our taxes easier. We don’t have all the necessary forms yet, but this work will make the whole process go much more quickly after we get those items.
I practiced crochet for a bit. I have trouble making time for that. I don’t have a dedicated crafting chair upstairs. I need to fix that.
Then, I had a lovely call with a potential personal trainer. We’ll see where that goes.
We need to get a jump on the laundry, which we usually do on Sundays. We’re planning to see Mom tomorrow.
I spent a little time on Codecademy refreshing my Python skills. I also geeked around with our server.
Finally, we might head across town to hear some live music.