Um, Thank You?

Look! TWO posts in ONE day! Maybe I’m finally crawling out of my pit of depression.

My very helpful child disapproved of how I was treating my small stitching project, so she sweetly put it in a huge Ziplock bag and “put it away.”

I have absolutely no idea where “away” might be, but it isn’t in my stitching bag, near my recliner, or in the area where I’ve been sitting in the living room. Now she says she didn’t put it anywhere. Buh?

And we stopped at Michael’s yesterday to get the DMC I needed for it!1I prefer shopping at an LNS, but my favorite went online-only and this was an instant gratification thing.

I also got the fabric for two bigger pieces, though, so I can start one of those. Technically, I know that I have the fabric for Deep Peace around here somewhere, but I couldn’t find it, so I got a new piece. Now the original fabric will, of course, make itself known.

Smaller, less involved projects are better to do while in company, though. And it’s date night. The girl is, herself, out on a date, so I can’t even shanghai her into helping find the small project. Grump. She found supplies for a couple of different art projects while we were at Michael’s, too, so I expect heavy arting from her shortly.

We picked up dinner for the three of us at Little Azio on the way home, which was as delicious as usual. That was a lovely way to end a tiring, but rewarding, day.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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3 thoughts on “Um, Thank You?

  1. Lovely to hear from you, as always 🙂

    When I loose a project like that, its usually somewhere that should have been obvious, but for some reason I either didn’t check, or couldn’t see despite it being in plain site. But that’s me.

  2. It was under the piano! Courtey of Kyoshi, most likely–with help from Katie, who must have taken it into the living room. At least the cat didn’t take the chain with my scissors and needlecase this time. The other day he ran off with it, and we eventually found it hanging from a huge CRT monitor carcass that the girl is cannibalizing for “art supplies.”

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