The migraine is gone, happily. The pain isn’t. But I’m up and at ’em, ready for work to start before long.
I don’t want to lose this little video:
Five stitches you need to know if you’re a beginner crocheter
I’m learning to crochet, and it’s slow going for some reason. That’s okay, it took me a while to learn to knit, too. It can’t all be as easy as cross-stitch!
But is “crocheter” the right term? It feels awkward. I’ve seen “hooker” used in various groups, but I think that must be slang.
Moving on, I seriously wish more parents, educators, scouting leaders, and others would enlighten themselves about stopping bullying. Bullying isn’t “normal” and it is possible to stop or reduce it. Adults are all too often bullies themselves, though.
How We Can Put an End to Bullying
I’m having a hard time dealing with that felon’s inauguration. He’s enacting measures lifted directly from Project 2025, and the next four years (at least) are going to be a nightmare. Bigots were already emboldened by his success since 2015. They are often bullies, too. The following is a useful tactic. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
However, I’m an old white lady, I have the privilege of (probably) being able to safely use this measure. If you can’t safely do so, find other ways to resist this toxic norm.
I was delighted by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s sermon at the National Prayer Service. It isn’t the sort of thing I would seek out, but I was trapped in a mechanic shop lobby getting new tires that day, and they had the inauguration coverage on the television. I caught part of her address and was impressed. (That was before I remembered that I had my AirPods in my pocket and wasn’t limited to listening to the broadcast.) She isn’t backing down, either!
If you, like I, want to thank her for her courageous words, you can write to:
Bishop Budde
Washington National Cathedral
PO Box 98283
Washington, DC 20090-8283
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde
Episcopal Church House
Mount St. Alban
Washington, DC 20016
She has a book out, How We Learn to Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith. I am an atheist and wouldn’t normally be interested, but I’ve put it on my to-read list.
I finished another two books by Heather G. Harris yesterday, then moved on to a third, Glimmer of Deception. I read some of Karl K. Gallagher’s book Torchship and a little bit of Merde, It’s Not Easy to Learn French! by France Dubin. It’s a good thing I can still read on my Kindle Paperwhite during most of my migraines, or I’d go nuts!
Just getting my daily Duolingo time in last night was dreadful, since I do that on my iPad. I didn’t spend nearly as much time on it as usual, even. Hopefully, I can stay awake long enough to make up for that this evening.
It’s time for work! Have a great day!
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