He fixed it!

Rick and I had a productive day, though we didn’t accomplish one thing I needed to do. That was dependent on another person, and he let us down.

We started by going to the Artist Alley event at Giga-Bites Café. It’s been a while since I visited the store. They seem to have expanded their merchandise while reducing the number of gaming tables. They also put up an interior wall that baffles some of the noise that rises from the tables. It’s been a decade or so since I tried to play a game there because that noise was overwhelming. There weren’t a great many vendors, but those who were present had some cute merchandise.

We ate, then ran a couple of other errands. Because it wasn’t far away and I needed some yarn for a project, we went by Eat, Sleep, Knit. I got out of there for less than $100, which is nothing short of miraculous. I didn’t find precisely what I wanted, but I found an acceptable substitute. And I learned that they carry my favorite crochet hooks! (Of course, they’re hard to find. My favorites often are.)

Finally, we stopped by Home Depot. Rick was in and out in less than 30 minutes, even though he had a gift card burning a hole in his pocket!

I’ve been having dreadful sneezing fits which necessitate taking diphenhydramine. It doesn’t seem to make me sleepy, but I don’t want to take chances. Anyway, that means he had to do all the driving, so when he got tired of that, we came home.

When we got home, we found packages on the porch, including a new smart thermostat I ordered a while back. Rick had never done any HVAC work before, but he jumped right in to install it. At first, it wouldn’t acknowledge the heat side of our system, but he got it working properly. (We both missed Daddy’s wise counsel, though.) Now, the temperature keeping the house in just the right temperature range. We’re hoping to save money on our electric and gas bills.

Edited to add: for some reason, this entry didn’t post last night after I wrote it, so I’m trying again. Sorry!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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