Randomness for Monday!

I’m already missing Katie. Shelley is, too.

Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks.
– Charles Dickens

The vocabulary lists to which I subscribe were just full of goodness today. I never understood why RX was used as an abbreviation for prescription before—now I know! And I learned about nerdistans and helicopter moms, too.

Today’s Dollar Stretcher newsletter had a link to Questions home sellers don’t want you to ask. I found the one about, “is the house haunted” quite amusing, but apparently, some states require disclosure of “paranormal activity!” I totally agree about asking when the furnace was last cleaned, although I’d probably ask when the heating and air systems were last serviced. They should be serviced annually at the very least (seasonally is better), and people who don’t do so probably don’t take care of the rest of the house so well, either.

Oh—something is weird with the home phone line today. Call our cell phones if you need to reach us 🙂 Obviously, the DSL is working, thankfully.

I haven’t ever heard of this “motivational technique” before, but someone mentioned it on a mailing list today. If your kids tend to really drag while doing chores, serve up a bowl of ice cream and leave it on the counter or table. As soon as chores are done, they get the ice cream‐or the soup if they’re too slow.

The Way Things Work videos look like they’d be pretty interesting, but I fear they’re a little young for our kids so I don’t really have an excuse to acquire them. They aren’t cheap, as they’re being marketed to libraries rather than individuals. But the library might have them, or Netflix or Mentura.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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