Pain Doc Day

Today was the monthly visit to the pain doc, which requires trekking across town to Fascist County. It was somewhat amusing to see “Drought Threat Level 4 Measures in Effect!” right next to CVS watering their little patch of grass.

The doctor doubled my breakthrough pain med so that I’m allowed to take it more often. Maybe that’ll help.

It’s always nice to have that time with Sam, although I feel bad that he has to take time off to get me there. We try to schedule multiple appointments, but one of Katie’s doctors just totally flaked today, so that one had to be rescheduled. The orthodontist appointment had been rescheduled to allow for that appointment, so now we have that to look forward to, too. Oh, joy.

When Katie and I were out on Monday, we found that two places we needed to go to were closed for Confederate Memorial Day. Excuse me? Since when is it a state holiday? I know we didn’t take that day off from school when I was growing up, not even in Alabama. When did this resurgence occur—as backlash for MLK Day, maybe? I find it ridiculous.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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4 thoughts on “Pain Doc Day

  1. Confederate Memorial Day has been a state holiday for as long as I’ve known. My dad was a state employee so he always got it off. However, I’ve never known anyone except the state offices to take it off, the schools never closed for it.

  2. Really? I guess I don’t notice unless banks, post offices, and/or schools are closed. And yeah, one of the places we needed to go to Monday was the driver’s license office. The other was a Dekalb county office, though.

    Some schools do, it seems. Not that I’ve had a great deal of experience with public schools in the last few years, but Katie tried high school last year and they had it off. It’s on the calendar for this year, too.

  3. Really? That’s surprising. Is that Cobb County? I guess since I went to Atlanta Public Schools, they were quite a bit more progressive. :p You really can’t see them taking it off! And, Dekalb County doesn’t take it off, either.

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