An Opportunity for Immortality

Earth KittGoing back to this post, keeping a database of everybody’s book/video/music influences would be a major nuisance and a waste of resources better used for other things. You can’t count on everyone having such things listed in a profile or on a website somewhere. There are people whose immediate family members couldn’t give you a hint about such things, either. I can think of only twoone ideas for my mother, and one of those is nearly cheating. The same for my father. None for my sister or brother. I’m fairly certain that none of them but my mother have a favorite book, although they’d all probably say “the Bible” or something like that, with great piety.

BUT we use .sig lines all the time, with no need for a new tracking system or database. We don’t need to ask people to update anything, as they change their .sig lines, or don’t, as they feel like it. We can trust that they wouldn’t use something they didn’t believe as a .sig.

For instance, many of my .sig lines have something to do with truth or honesty, or learning. Someone who assumed that honesty and education are things I value highly would be absolutely right. If they chose one of my .sig lines to live by in memory, their lives could only be improved by, “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.” (Eartha Kitt)

On the other hand, Sam seldom uses a .sig line. But I’ve known far more people who are willing to take a minute and share their favorite quote or proverb than who will stop and list their favorite books, movies, and albums (or who have favorites in those categories).

Yep, that will work.

So – what’s your most treasured bit of wisdom? Quote? Saying? What words do you live by? What do you want to pass on to the next generation, whether or not you plan to have children? This is a chance for immortality!

No, really. I’ll make a new needlework design based on your entry if you like (or I just adore it). I’d love to see what creative works others produce, as well.

In fact, if you want to communicate them as new creative works, that would be even more fun!

Somebody might even find new words to live by in your response. Who knows?

Tell me something good. Please?

Current Mood: 😕curious
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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