shadowkatt is of a generation that seems to use email less than blogs and IMs. These are links I’ve felt she might want to see recently. I emailed some of them to her, and she might even have seen them. I feel oddly compelled to share them, though. They say something about her, I suppose.
- The Why Files – Science Behind the News – I don’t know where the link came from, but it’s cool
- Stuff Up Close – the photography reminded me of some of Katie’s choices, weird (seeming) subjects that have their own beauty
- Katie isn’t alone in how she likes her hot chocolate. Thanks to waya for the link
- March is National Brain Awareness Month, and March 13-19 is Brain Awareness Week. Poke around Neuroscience for Kids. Considering improving your own Neuroscience Literacy.
- Righteous Babes mailing list
- The Brilliant Inventions updates
- A link to these icons, because that Clementine looks so much like mayremi
- Le point d’ironie
- Summer Glau interview that talked a lot about dancing and martial arts/stunt choreography
- Human knee diagram
- Info about volunteering at OffOffPeachtreeTheater’s The Woman In Black
- I ate iPod Shuffle
- Pink Noise
- The Two Redheads eBay Store
- The Art of David Ho
- Fangirl Kanji is Torture
- Rainbowdirtying Community Info
- Submit Shuttershock
Atlanta_Photogs Community Teen Pagans Community RPG_Beauty ByDivineWrite - Open call for designers from Contour Magazine
DamnCollegeKids community (really more for dracofrost)