
shadowkatt and mayremi: Considering your recent reading matter, I thought you’d want to know about Towel Day.

I’m more awake today. I think I probably should have gotten up the second time I woke, though, around 5:30 (the first time was 2ish). I haven’t accomplished even 20% of what I wanted to do this weekend. We’ll be leaving shortly to retrieve shadowkatt and help my parents with a couple of things.

I realized today that I’ve fallen into a new morning routine without even thinking about it.
1) Take my first meds
2) Check our suite for any dirty dishes and take them into the kitchen
3) Round up any dirty dishes or trash that the other folks in the household have left in their wake (there aren’t ever that many, but if I get them frequently they don’t build up enough to irritate me).
4) If the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, I empty and reload it. Otherwise, I load it and run it when it is full.
5) Start a load of laundry
6) Open all the blinds
7) Check the pet fountain to be sure it isn’t running dry
8) Feed Shelley (curiousmay9 feeds her cats when she gets up in the wee hours of the morning)
9) Make my breakfast
10) Check the calendar/task list while eating
11) If we have to be somewhere at a particular time, I start rousing shadowkatt
12) Skim email and LJ
13) Take my second dose of meds (those that can’t be taken on an empty stomach).
14) Shower and dress

FlyLady be damned! I’m happy with my routine, despite the notable absence of shoes. It keeps the little things from building to the point that they hurt too much to take care of them, so I’m much happier about the house all the time. I think the other three two-legged inhabitants are, as well. (I know curiousmay9 is, as she frequently expresses her gratitude.)

Just these little basics wear me out. I have to keep taking rest breaks. I hate that. It’s a damned good thing we have a cleaning service coming in to do the heavy cleaning because it just isn’t possible for me to do it anymore.

I want to add a few things, though:
1) Making our bed before I leave the room
2) Taking any dirty laundry from our hamper to the laundry room
3) Taking care of the plants
4) A good stretching session. I should probably add in a full yoga session instead of just stretching, but I’m afraid of getting so relaxed that I’ll want to go back to bed!
5) Prepare fruit, carrots, and the like for snacks during the day.
6) Get over to the Y every day or every other day

I’d like to get shadowkatt and curiousmay9 into the habit of bringing their dirty laundry down every morning, rather than waiting ’til their hampers are full or (in Katie’s case) something needs to be washed right away. It isn’t on the top of my list of desired changes, though. It makes more sense to work on my own habits than worry about theirs, anyway.

I’ve gotten all the kitchen stuff that is here put away. I’m not yet done with deciding on permanent homes for some things. I find myself stymied by the fact that curiousmay9 hasn’t been able to pack up the kitchen equipment at the cottage yet. There will have to be a massive reduction of stuff after it’s all combined. Nobody needs 12 whisks, 4 garlic presses, or uncountable quantities of measuring cups and spoons. It’s just silly. sambear and I had to go through the same sort of winnowing when we moved in together.

Current Mood: 🙂content
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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