Adult Polyamory

I recently joined the adult_pagans community. I never could stand the nonsense that makes pagans so high-volume. I’m realizing now that I really want an “adult poly” community. That’s not quite the name I’d prefer, but essentially it would be…


The catnip spray is missing. I fear Wizard has hidden it somewhere for his personal consumption. He’s already the craziest cat in the house! Current Mood: 🙁worried

Health Stuff

I saw my rheumatologist yesterday to get the letters I needed for school. As I suspected, she doesn’t use real letterhead. Now, I can make up letterhead in MS Word that will look extremely professional, and nobody will know that…

School Insanity

I think I mentioned that my school is starting a pre-law program. Well, the university wouldn’t let them call it pre-law. It had to have “technology” or “technical” in the name somewhere. Technically, it’s the International studies: Global Technology major…

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