This Was a Long Day!

I feel like I’ve driven all over the world, though it obviously isn’t so. I got Katie to a therapy appointment and the allergist. I went to the bank. I picked sambear up from work, after which we explored a different route home (that didn’t work out well). We got home just in time to collect hugs from curiousmay9 and runbunny, then dash out again to get the girl to dance. We filled the car up with gas, ran by a friend’s house to pick up a fundraising calendar I’d bought a while back, met their new dog, got food for the bear at Zaxby’s, filled prescriptions, got the girl, fed her, and went to Kroger on the way back.

I did get many, many “must-do” phone calls off my task list while in the car—yay cell phones! I really need to find a new headset that works well, though.

shadowkatt got her jazz costume for the dance recital tonight. She modeled it for us—she’s so beautiful and graceful! How did I ever birth this child? She must be a changeling.

We have to get up and out the door early in the morning. I could REALLY use a day of sleeping in. But it’s needful, and we’ll be Getting Things Done. I really need to start scheduling things so that I have a day or two to rest a LOT after a day like today, though.

The girl and I have appointments at 313 on Friday. She’s getting a free mini-facial and having her hair trimmed. I’m getting my nails done again—YAY! Saturday, sambear and I will go there to get our hair cut and mine colored. All that stuff takes a ridiculous amount of time, but I do like the results.

We’re proceeding with plans to swipe dracofrost for at least part of the weekend. I really enjoy talking with his dad, and he might come by on Saturday. I’m still hoping to meet his stepmother someday, though. I don’t know that the boy realizes that being here is very likely to involve being put to work in some fashion.

We’re still trying to decide which way we’ll go for Girl Scouts next year. Katie’s troop (and especially the leader) are incredible. I don’t think we could ask for better. But they’re in Cartersville, which was already a LONG way away, and is twice as far now as it was pre-move. On the other hand, she’s at an age level where it’s harder than ever to find a good troop—and to fit into one, as they’re often really cliquish (and the leaders are certainly part of that). If I knew my energy would be better, I’d definitely just leave her in this troop. I can’t count on having more spoons then, though, and I can’t really count on having as many as I have now. I do have much help with sambear and curiousmay9, though. Decisions, decisions!

curiousmay9 thinks the flooring MIGHT be finished on Sunday. That would be lovely. I’m very much ready to get the furniture into the right rooms, which will greatly facilitate the unpacking.

I have a sleepy bear in my bed. Nite nite!

Current Mood: 😴sleepy
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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