Okay, I’m Definitely Tired Now

I’m just at the apartment ’til shadowkatt gets out of dance class, then we’ll go back to the Castle by way of Kroger and Home Depot. Apparently, there’s no reason to hurry, either, as there’s some horrific traffic problem on I-20 eastbound.

I warmed up some leftovers for dinner so I could take my meds. My hands decided that a small bowl of food is too heavy, and declined to keep hold of it. Fortunately, it was just above the counter, so I didn’t break the bowl or spill all of the food. The cat is enjoying that chicken, though. And I’m wondering if I can do painting – especially of trim! – tonight.

curiousmay9 is officially moved in. Nowhere near unpacked or even with furniture in the right rooms, but moved in. It will be much fun finding holes for our furniture, too! The issue is the big room upstairs (sitting room/office) doesn’t have its flooring yet. The 14 bookcases, sofa, tables and two big chairs that will eventually be there are everywhere else. How we’ll get the guest room furniture, our kitchen table, and the living room furniture in is anybody’s guess. We’ll do it, though!

Nice surprise—redcrow and his son showed up to help us! They’re on the way to the Castle with a car full of electronics now. They also packed the truck for me, so I’m taking another load as I go back there.

Current Mood: 🙂cheerful
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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