Silly Horoscope/Colors/Cleaning

I laughed out loud at this, so I figured I’d give y’all a chance to do so, too:

Dear Cynthia,
Here is your horoscope for Friday, February 13:
You’re the black cat that crosses everyone’s path, purring all the way. A strong reputation saves you from doing too much work. If the stars always treated you this well, you’d be an unstoppable force.

I cannot say how much I enjoyed sleeping in this morning, thanks to sambear. I didn’t mind getting him to the bus each weekday morning, but I am very happy that he found a ride!

I think I picked up this Style Ideas magazine at Home Depot last time we were there. Anyway, it found its way into my hands this morning. Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! That led me to the Behr website, which could easily suck up hours of my time. I want the Behr and Glidden CD-ROMs but don’t see anything on the Behr website about how to get one. Yet. I guess I’ll have to go INTO a store for that.

The Glidden website has a thing on the front page that says “Fall In Love With Color!” I already am in love with color, dangit!

Happily, curiousmay9 and sambear and I have similar tastes in color for decorating. I don’t want white walls anymore, dammit! In fact, I have a tablecloth that has all the right colors on it. I want much more of that fabric, though. I wish I had matching chair cushions, at the very least.

Good strip

I do believe I’m going to go use the stretching video I checked out of the library, then get a shower. I haven’t yet finished the housecleaning for the gamers who’ll be coming over tomorrow. I can’t do much more than the decluttering, unfortunately—I’m going to have to depend on sambear for real cleaning. I hate having fibromyalgia!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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