Missed Fun Trip, Watched Movies

I’m supposed to be up in the mountains with the family and the Girl Scout troop today, rock-hounding. Instead, I’m at home with a migraine. Ick. And this is the very last event with the old troop.

I did finally tell everybody this week that since I still haven’t found a co-leader, I won’t be leading the old troop this year. I still feel guilty, but I also feel that a big load is off my shoulders. And we started the process of finding new troops for our girls.

I’ll happily volunteer to be a co-leader (not the main leader) for one of their troops if one is needed, but I don’t think I can do justice to a troop as the main leader because of health issues. I plan to maintain my status as a trained leader and certified first-aider, just in case. And we may go ahead and get the camping training finished, too, if Sam agrees. There’s never any harm in learning new things or being available as a resource to their troops.

We watched two DVDs, Tomb Raider and Spy Kids, last night. That’s the first time we’ve hooked up the PS2 upstairs to watch movies. We still need to get a DVD player, but that worked quite well.

I could sit here and get a lot of stitching done today, but unfortunately, that isn’t really compatible with migraines. Actually, there’s very little that I can get accomplished when I have a migraine. They’re very inconvenient and non-productive.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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